© 2000 - 2021 Copyright. Richard C. Slade / Soul Solutions for Life - spiritual, intuitive and meditation facilitator. Please do not reproduce written or audio materials without expressed written permission. All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only and should not be considered any form of medical or health care advise. Personal empowerment, spiritual life skills and self management strategies, spiritual growth and self development, intuitive development and guidance, life purpose and soul mission, soul journeys and past life remembrance services are considered experiential spiritual education. As a spiritual, intuitive and meditation coach, adviser and facilitator, I offer consultations and sessions in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI. 608.237.6577. See important disclaimer >. Thank you.


Journeys into the Void: How to transition from the old to the new

There are many times in our lives when change and transition become necessary. We are invited to leave the old behind and allow the new to take shape and form, manifesting our vision in to life. These are the moments we journey into the void.

The void is that space in consciousness where we drop all attachment to everything. Our thoughts and perspectives. Our fears and judgments. Even body consciousness begins to dissipate, as we become aware of our core essence – our divine energy signature. For we then expand. We allow. We trust. We become quiet and still. In the here and now. And so we are.

Many people find this space warm, safe and inviting – a nurturing womb where our vibration or frequency begins to quicken and elevate. For it’s the condition of being physical that has so reduced our frequency, and held us to ancient patterns of thought, feeling and action. These patterns are often karmic in nature and have become an undesirable creative force behind our personal reality. When identified, released and transformed, new potentialities simply begin to arise.

As we sit in this space of nothingness. We are able to invite our higher self and the Supreme, the infinite Source behind all of creation, to help write a new chapter in our life story. This is a more elevated path. It feels truly uplifting, exciting and possible. It may ask of us to further release and let go of anything that is limiting or holding us back. It may have us look at those attachments that we have held on to so tightly. In those moments of recognition, we can simply give them all to God and become permanently free of their story.

Our new vision begins to take shape and form in our consciousness. We watch and we observe. We explore and we play. For a far richer picture begins to emerge, with great depth and vibrancy, that we truly identifying with. Elevated feelings wash through our being, as we engage our being-ness in our new movie. It is a multi-dimensional experience that can speak to every part of our self. It can be truly palpable. Sensations in the body physical. A potentiality that is of our highest truth.

We must always remember that the Universe is our friend. It responds to every thought and feeling we have. If our life does not feel right or true, then a new story must be written. With the help of our higher self and the Supreme Source of All, and immersing ourself in the void, a new chapter in our life can begin to arise, fulfilling our deepest longings and hearts’ desire.

When a new life story begins to arise from deep within our soul, we understand that we are simply messaging the universe to respond in a new fashion that supports our highest truth and purpose for this life. We can then follow our inner prompting's and take all the necessary action, allowing ourselves to open to receive the results of our visions. Our dreams can then materialize, magically creating an elevated reality in alignment with our spirit.

Step into the void and open to a new vision for your life:

1). Open to the wisdom of your gentle heart.

2). Connect to your higher self.

3). Ask your higher self to help guide you into the void.

4). Detach from everything.

5). Experience nothingness and being-ness.

6). Ask your higher self to help you relinquish all the old stories.

7). Receive your highest and most elevated new story.

8). Allow yourself to become fully immersed in your new creation.

And enjoy!


SOUL-SOLUTIONS EXPLORE:  Private Consultations and Personal Sessions explore: Creative visualization, visioning, guided imagery, guided meditation and  interactive guided imagery.

Inspirational Articles - Spiritual, Holistic, Esoteric, Metaphysical, Meditation, Healing, Self Improvement, Personal Growth, Self Empowerment - Columbia, Howard County, Maryland, MD